Enough about the future though, let's catch up on what is currently happening. I arrived in Denver last Sunday and moved into my summer residence on the westward facing 22nd floor of The Inn at Auroria. Although my room slightly resembles my freshman dorm with a freestanding closet and desk chair that rocks forward (I still don't get those things), this is hands down the neatest place I have ever lived. As you can see in the picture below, I have a perfect view of the Rocky Mountains. I don't know how often you sit and look at mountains for an extended period of time, but I would strongly recommend you try this at some point in the semi-near future! I am looking forward to trekking out into this glorious example of God's creation within the next week.
Wait a minute, "Why are you in Denver?" you ask. If you did not know, I have an internship with the same company, Samson Resources, that I worked with in Wyoming last summer. Last summer I was in the middle of nowhere, and precisely 100 miles from a Wal-Mart and any sign of civilization. This summer I have an office job and walk 8 blocks to my downtown office, ride an elevator to the 30th floor, and make my way to my window office on the east side of the building. WINDOW OFFICE! This reminds me of a thought I pondered last year which was, "Do these people know who I am?" It is still hard for me to believe that the work I am currently, or even in the future, doing is equivalent to how well I am being treated at this job. I even have a nameplate outside of my office with my name on it! I must admit, the small things really do excite me the most. My ranking of coolest things so far in Denver is as follows:
1. Mountain view from my 22nd floor apartment
2. Window office
3. Hipster coffee shop called The Market (It may top Plaid)
4. Nameplate outside of my office
5. There are 9 coffee shops on my 8 block walk to work (3 Starbucks)
6. Cherry Creek running/biking trail 2 blocks from my apartment
There are many more perks to this city, but you will have to come up to find them out! Speaking of which, I am very excited for my friends and family to come up and visit. If you are one of these people, or want to be, call me and let's plan this thing! Woot!
Well, I hope this has kept you mildly entertained, but I must now bring it to a close. Call me, and let's catch up!
From the window of my apartment